Hard to Say

These past few days I’ve been working on a script for a national convention. While rewarding, it’s not been overly compelling stuff. Until now. Just now, I wrote a section of the script where a well-respected member of the industry was slated to receive an...

A Change of Season

I love the change of seasons. It proves the natural rhythm of things. After 25 years in Florida where it’s always perfect, and the years just run together in an endless sea of blue skies, now I welcome the cold, the rain, the snow. I know now I’m moving...

Failure Acceptors

I heard a term the other morning that I had never heard before. It’s a term that teachers use to describe certain students who are not doing well in school.  It’s a term they use for the student who stares out of the window instead of engaging with the class and the...


For the past few days, I’ve been struggling with trying to make my Apple computer operate in the PC world. It has not been fun. Some software just isn’t made for a Mac. And some Mac software just doesn’t play nice with PCs.  Yet, because a project I’m working on is a...


Have you ever noticed that when you’re wishy-washy or noncommittal, nothing much happens? But when you’re clear, certain, concise and confident, the world becomes a magical place? When you are very clear about what you want, people, situations and opportunities will...