Unexpected Wonders

I’m sitting in our backyard on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. The sun is shining. My bare feet tickled in the grass, sunglasses shade my eyes as I type this. There’s a slight breeze. From my vantage point on the hill above our hometown, I can see the foothills of...

When The Moment Arrives

You may have noticed that earlier this month, I launched Live Your Passion Radio. And launching a national radio show, my friends, is quite the undertaking.  Setting up a studio. Scheduling interviews. Learning audio editing software. Whew. There are a lot of steps in...


As I sat on a hard bench waiting for a train in Portland’s Union Station and my attention drifted to the ornate ceiling and arched doorways carved from marble, a woman came up to me. She was in her late 50’s, reddish brown ringlets framed her face. She spoke with an...

Before I Die I Want To …

An art store in my town posted a black chalkboard on the side of their building. Scrawled across the chalkboard is one simple question: What do you want to do before you die? Then it leaves a blank space for people to fill in their answers. Some responses are silly....