After more than 20 years as a journalist conducting roughly 3,000 interviews with artists, celebrities and entrepreneurs, it is apparent to me that we all have one thing in common: our humanity. No matter how successful people become, no matter how rich or famous or experienced in their given field, everyone I have spoken to had a moment in their lives when they had doubts. Everyone recalls a time when they wondered how they could be so bold to think they were special enough to do something extraordinary.
If we all have the same fears, what is it that makes one person succeed and another stagnate? The ability to overcome the self doubt, to quiet the little voice in your head who tries to hold you back, appears to be the key. To be afraid and to act anyway, to a person, seems to be the juice that determines success.
Take Marcia Kester, a country music singer who, after overcoming drug addiction and homelessness, finally gave herself permission to remake her life to match the vision she created for herself when she was just a small child.
Or Sayer Ji, who invested five years of his life, nearly going bankrupt in the process, to build what could become the world’s largest online repository of holistic health information. Because he believed he could make a difference in the health and the lives of people he’d never meet, Sayer pushed past the doubt to achieve success.
Or Frank Smith, a musician who studied for decades before getting brave enough to call the recording studio of his hero, Will Ackerman, founder of Windam Hill Records, to request studio time and wound up making a record with his idol.
This ability to face the fear and move forward anyway is a theme that emerges from nearly every conversation I have with the people I am fortunate enough to interview for Live Your Passion TV. No matter how far we progress on our life’s path, we all started with a dream, an idea, a passion we wanted to fulfill. It is my great honor to share these stories with you, and with the worldwide audience that tunes in each week to watch the show on YouTube and at .
So, I challenge you to think about what is holding you back from taking the steps necessary to make your passion a reality. I invite you to watch Live Your Passion to learn from others who’ve done it, who’ve moved past the fear to see their dreams become reality.
Please visit to watch the interviews with Marcia, Sayer, Frank and so many others.
The lesson that I hope you come away with is truly that if they can do it, you can do it, too. We are all members of the human family. Our shared fears and our capacity for aspiration in the face of those fears prove that every day.
Watch the interviews:
Marcia Kester:
Sayer Ji:
Frank Smith:

Stacie Zinn Roberts is a nationally recognized, award-winning writer and marketing expert with more than 25 years of experience. She has won more than 40 national awards for her work including the United Nations Environmental Program for retail environmental marketing, as well as from organizations such at the Public Relations Society of America and the Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association. She’s written for industry publications such as Golf Course Management, Sports Turf, Golfdom and PR Daily. She spent eight years as the president and director of marketing for Environmental Turf, where she developed the branding for SeaDwarf Seashore Paspalum, the grass that eventually became the greens grass for the Rio Olympic Golf Course. Stacie served for six years on the Board of Directors of the Florida Turfgrass Association as Chair of the Research & Scholarship Committee where she worked closely with the scientists from the University of Florida’s turfgrass breeding program. Stacie founded What’s Your Avocado? Marketing & Public Relations in 2012.
Great post Stacie. You are so right!