by Stacie Zinn Roberts | Feb 17, 2020 | Marketing, Writing |
I work with this vendor named Darryl. Darryl is a nice guy. His products are well-priced. They’re good quality. Everything comes in on time. But Darryl is hard to work with because Darryl is terrible at email. Every time I work with him, he signs his email: “Thanks,...
by Stacie Zinn Roberts | Sep 24, 2018 | Marketing, News
What are the latest trends in B-to-B marketing for 2019? Stacie Zinn Roberts of What’s Your Avocado? Marketing & PR was invited to share her insights, with two other national marketing experts, on this marketing webinar hosted by Golf Course Industry...
by Stacie Zinn Roberts | Apr 25, 2013 | Empowering, General, Marketing |
Making an emotional connection just might be the key to success in business … and in life. Find out how important emotion is to telling your business story in this quick video from Stacie Zinn Roberts and What’s Your Avocado? Stacie...
by Stacie Zinn Roberts | Apr 12, 2013 | General, Writing |
I admit that I am a compulsive note taker. I’m sure it springs from my 20+ years as a journalist. When you get paid to ask people questions, it’s certain that they expect you to write down what they say. So, I do. The note taking isn’t reserved, however, for the forum...
by Stacie Zinn Roberts | Oct 25, 2012 | Writing |
These past few days I’ve been working on a script for a national convention. While rewarding, it’s not been overly compelling stuff. Until now. Just now, I wrote a section of the script where a well-respected member of the industry was slated to receive an...